wahlberg later turned heads when he gave local
But he also learned, early, that there is only one way to survive in the corporate jungle of the New York Yankees for 22 minutes, let alone for 22 years. And it boils down to a simple word: power. Without it, good luck to you. "I've always hoped that the good Lord has a sense of humour when it comes and pertains to many of the movies that I've made."Some people in the audience laughed, but the apology was lost on the Catholic leader, who then stepped up to deliver a speech about the importance of family.Wahlberg later turned heads when he gave local football team the Philadelphia Eagles a shout out as he introduced footballer turned pastor Herb Lusk to the stage.Earlier on in the event, Wahlberg also shared how religion had played a vital part in turning his own life around, after spending time behind bars for assault during his youth."I attribute all of my success to my Catholic faith," he said. "My faith has given me the ability to be a good fath...